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Getting rid of bunions or correcting hallux valgus without surgery involves multiple treatment methods. These methods include; foot strengthening exercises, wearing the correct shoes and utilizing a bunion corrector such as a silicone toe spreader. Chapters: 0
Since urine formation occurs as the kidney filters the blood, the color of your urine is a great indicator of your body’s internal health system. In this episode of Deep Dives, we discuss why urine is yellow, what color urine is good, and some causes for dar
Did you know you can spot liver problems in your feet?
What happens when toxins, bacteria, food particles, and digestive waste leak out of our intestines and into our blood? This condition is often called Leaky Gut and it can lead to inflammatory immune responses, digestive disorders, and other abnormal changes to
Leaky gut means that the cells that line your small intestine have become damaged and the spaces that are between them, called the tight junctions have been opened up too wide.
Apple cider vinegar has been touted as a natural remedy for everything from better health to weight loss. There is scientific evidence to support many of these claims. In this video, I share what the research has to say about apple cider vinegar’s ability to
Did you know your liver can get fat? In fact, it’s a common problem for those who carry a lot of belly fat, drink a lot of soda, and eat a poor diet. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is defined as the accumulation of fat in the liver that is not caused
Dwyane Wade shares the detox he’s been doing in order to keep his body in shape